广东洪兴实业股份有限公司专业提供舒适时尚的家居服内衣全品类产品 引领推动中国家居服内衣时尚新潮流用和产品销售为一体的全球高科技跨国企业,集结全球尖端人才及合作机构,依靠其卓越的产品品质、个性化服务,在行业里迅速成长, 成为机器人行业领导品牌。
We believe… We ,Shenzhen LAMP Technology, believe that quality and customers’ need can be achieved and satisfied only with high & whole-hearted dedication, and persistence in pursuing high perform
美利龙集团(The Millennium Group),总部位于美国新泽西州,是一家从事各类家庭日用品、厨房用品、系列西餐餐具、器皿的跨国企业,公司集贸易、制造、研发及客户服务为一体。 集团目前拥有多家子公司及办事机构。依托强大的市场开拓和销售、生产能力,十年来集团取得了跨越300倍的发展。公司直接同世界一流流通和零售企业...
深圳拓邦股份有限公司,1996年成立于有中国科技“硅谷”之称的深圳高新技术产业园内。 经过十几年的高速发展, 拓邦现已发展成为以中国领先的智能控制技术为核心,不断拓展其应用领域的中国一流智能控制方案提供商,产业覆盖家电控制、高效照明、电机、电源、安防、工业自动化和数码电子等领域,产品销售遍及全球几十个...
Founded in 2000, NETIS SYSTEMS is a global leading provider of networking products and solutions.With state-of-the-art technology, outstanding product quality and satisfying customer service, NETIS SY
Tech-Long Introduction,Founded in 1998, Guangzhou Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. (“Tech-Long”) is headquartered in Guangzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone, the most economically dynamic zone in South China. From China’s first publicly traded beverage packaging supplie......
Window and Door Hardware Systems & Solutions Provider CMECH Established in the USA, CMECH has over 25 years of design and manufacturing experience in high-end window and door hardware. We mainly serve the North America, Europe and Asia Pacific regions, and our extensive partnerships spannin...
2011年,安祺昊玩具有限公司成立,我们是一家集玩具研发、设计、销售于一体的综合性玩具企业,总部位于中国深圳。 在James Chen的带领下,公司成立几年得以快速发展,目前拥有成熟的产品研发和设计团队,配套现代化生产工厂,强大的产品销售及售后团队,我们力求研制出优良的产品,以最具竟争的成本优势推向市场,目...
Shenzhen Dingdata Technology Co.,Ltd as the leading professional barcode/RFID handheld terminal and industrial rugged tablet manufacturer since 2012, we are receiving good reputation from domestic and oversea markets by the design and manufacturing. We specialize in rugged and intelligent data termi..
Canmax Electric Appliances Co.,Ltd, established in 2004, is a medium-sized and professional factory, focuses on manufacturing high quality juice extractor, blender, coffee grinder, meat grinder and food processor small household electrical appliances. Our R&D team keeps up with the market tre......